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World AIDS Day: Get (RED)!

Buy (RED) Save Lives; JoinRED Fight AIDS

In September we posted: Buy (RED) Save Lives – JoinRED Fight AIDS, then in November: Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @joinred. Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day and today, more than ever, we have to work together because ‘AIDS is preventable and treatable’.

We will not give you numbers, you can find them everywhere on the Internet. We will not tell you what you have to do. But today is a special day, so at least once in a year, maybe we should take our responsabilities and do something. Protect ourselves and the others. Give a hand and don’t look away.

The Lazarus Effect is the title of the video published by Join(RED). ‘The miraculous power of AIDS medicine to give people the opportunity of a future where once there was no hope.  3800 people die everyday from a preventable and treatable disease: AIDS. Treatment costs around 40 cents a day. The results are nothing short of miraculous. Someone on death’s door can be brought back to life. In as little as 90 days. This transformation is called the Lazarus Effect.

Remember: Buy (RED) Save Lives, it’s really working. Buy Red products from top brands, and help fight aids in Africa. Use the consumeristic society we all live in to buy ‘useful’, it can do good!

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