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Sunday Roundup on Sudan and South Kordofan

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. When will international community take action? This is the question asked on Twitter by Susan Morgan, co-founder and the Director of Communications for Investors Against Genocide (I mention them here). ...

Art in Denmark: Papercut Artist Peter Callesen

We like papercut a lot and we have already talk about it in our post The colorful world of paper sculptures by Jen Stark. We can hardly imagine how much work is needed to make such beautiful papercuts. It is a fascinating art and now we want to introduce you to another papercut artist: Peter Callesen. He is from Denmark and his work is very different from the colorful one of Jen Stark; Callesen works with white paper and his creations are amazing. Here ...

Friday Digest: Aung San Suu Kyi, WOZA, CIA

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

Airbus reveals Concept Cabin for 2050 air travel

Airbus is a European aerospace company based in France, and it recently unveiled its Concept Cabin, a whole new flying experience inspired by nature. We were very surprised by the design, with walls which would become transparent. You can watch the sky while you’re on the plane, look at the stars and enjoy a beautiful moment… But not until 2050! Here is the news from Airbus Website: While taking a hop between destinations, according to ...

Sunday Roundup: Bahrain, Sudan, Physics…

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. The Bahrain Grand Prix will not go ahead. Many concerned people such as #Nicholas Kristof and Kenneth Roth tweeted this week about the upcoming Formula One Grand Prix expected to take place next October ...

Art in Congo: Freddy Tsimba, bullets can be art

We care a lot about (Eastern) Congo, and we mentioned many times the sexual violence and conflict minerals… But the country also has another side, much brighter: Art. So today we are glad to introduce you Freddy Tsimba. He is a Congolese sculptor and he uses bullet cartridges and bullet shells to create bodies. The same ones that killed men, women and their children, are of use again but this time, they don’t kill, they bring a message ...

Friday Digest: Nintendo, South Kordofan, Cancer

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

France Bans Words ‘Twitter’ And ‘Facebook’

French take sometimes unexpected if not incomprehensible decisions. Last example to date? Banning the words ‘Twitter‘ and ‘Facebook‘ from television and radio. For the law (according to a 1992 decree) mentioning services (such as Twitter or Facebook) by name is an act of advertising. Even though France’s Conseil Superieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA) disagrees. TechCrunch writes about this ban: Instead of referring to ...

Sunday Roundup: Abyei, Ai Weiwei, Artmaking

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. U.N. probes absences amid Sudan clashes. Since Northern Sudanese forces seized Abyei, many rightfully think northern and southern fighting over Abyei could reignite a full blown war in #Sudan. And we ...

Art in USA: Free graffiti artist Revok!

Revok a.k.a Jason Williams is an American graffiti artist, and he is currently serving 180 days in jail. Authorities claim there was an outstanding warrant against Revok for failure to repay victims of previous vandalism incidents. The day before his arrest, he was exhibiting his graffiti at MOCA in Los Angeles in ‘Art in the Streets’… Max Dana wrote several times about Revok on her Blog and even da-eYe supports him and asks: ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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