The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!


New, Experimental and Innovative in Style, Ideas and Methods: Art, Design, Architecture…

Cafés and Museums reopen in France, Le Negresco, Magic Jacket, Tesla Shoes and Chef Gregory Porter!

We tweeted about it yesterday: cafe and restaurant terraces have reopened in France! Even though we are still wearing masks, we hope it’s the sign the pandemic will be over soon! Let’s start with the famous Hotel Negresco in the city of Nice: ‘For our reopening, our Michelin-starred chef Virginie Basselot is proposing a revamped room-service menu that not only features ...

Pierre Sang, MADSAKI x Perrotin, Jeffrey Milstein, Saffron de Nimes, Thomas Pesquet, Lupin in Paris!

This is a Twitter Bazar with a lot of French / France in it! Let’s start with Chef Pierre Sang and his famous bibimbap available to take out at Pierre Sang Express restaurants in the 6th and 11th districts in Paris! A ne surtout pas manquer si vous pouvez vous y rendre ! Solo exhibition by japanese MADSAKI will be on view at Gallery Perrotin in New York City. Curator and art critic ...

Artist pays tribute to supermarket cashier Aïcha Issaudonene

French Artist and photographer Roger Daniel Pérez pays tribute to Aïcha Issaudonene who died from the coronavirus. The 52-years old employee had worked for almost 30 years as a cashier at Carrefour Supermarket in Saint-Denis, a commune in the northern suburbs of Paris and she died on March 26 after contracting the virus. Issaudonene’s death triggered anger and shock, France was already on lockdown but many considered that supermarket workers were ...

New Banksy artwork pays tribute to health workers

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown, we shared with you on this website and on Twitter @SamaGazette several initiatives to support the amazing work done by health workers around the world. And if last month rats were larking around in Banksy’s bathroom, the elusive street artist is now honoring health workers. The artwork, entitled Game Changer, is paying tribute to National Health Service workers and is currently on display ...

da-eYe wears protective equipment against Covid-19

As you may already know (we mentioned him many times on the Sama Gazette), da-eYe is Max Dana‘s iconic character, and he was born in the mid-Eighties, on the walls of Paris/La Défense in France. da-eYe is facetious and waggish, renowned for his repartee as well as for his witty sense of humour, and his charming and easygoing nature. He’s our guy! Max uses her iconic character to bring awareness to important causes like when he was a barefoot ...

400% + 100% Bearbrick Jean-Michel Basquiat V4 at Artoyz

This news made our day: our favorite Designer Toys and Urban Vinyl Figures Paris-based company Artoyz is selling a 400% + 100% Bearbrick Jean-Michel Basquiat V4! The 11″ (28 cm) & 3″ (8 cm) Bearbrick Set by Medicom Toys is a limited edition, here’s the description from Artoyz: Leader of the underground movement, Jean-Michel Basquiat is also known for his involvement in the graffiti wolrd with SAMO, his duet with Al Diaz. This is the ...

Rats are larking around in Banksy’s bathroom!

You know we love Banksy, and you might even remember (it was almost ten years ago!) when our buddy da-eYe (Max Dana’s facetious and waggish character) was looking for Banksy at the 2011 Oscars. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, many countries are in lockdown and street artists have now to work inside their home. And Banksy makes no exception, so he worked from home by bringing his outdoor work inside, and it looks like a pack of mischievous rats ...

Art in Mongolia: Sculptor Amgalan Tsevegmid

For this new ‘Art in…’ post, we go to Mongolia. Sculptor Amgalan Tsevegmid was born in 1952 in Ulan-Bator, Mongolia. He has completed majoring in painting in 1971 from the State college of Music and Dance in Mongolia. In 1977 he has graduated from the I.E. Repin Institute of Architecture, Sculpture, and Paintings at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia. Sculptures by Amgalan Tsevegmid are standing in the squares in a ...

Art in Germany: Gregor Schneider’s dying-room

All the artists we select for our ‘Art in…’ weekly Rendezvous are creative in their own way. German artist Gregor Schneider works with constructed rooms, and one of his project raised controversy in 2008: the public dying-room. His work can’t be summed up with this project only but most of his work is about rooms and death. On his Wikipedia page, we can read: ‘I want to show a person, which dies a natural death or just died ...

Art in Mali: Art as Real as Life Itself

Today, our ‘Art in…’ post is not about a particular artist. Two weeks ago, a reader (hello Babouyou!) sent us a link to an article on the New York Times about  art in Mali. We read it and it was so well written and interesting, with a great insight on the Dogon art and culture, we decided it should be part of this weekly post about Art. Here are some extracts from Holland Cotter article ‘In Mali, Art as Real as Life Itself’: ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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