The Sama Gazette

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Art in Indonesia: Mayumi Haryoto’s dreamy works

After our first post: Art in Canada: Lampwork beads by Sherry Bellamy and then Art in USA: Terraform Sculpture by Robert Cannon, today we are going to Jakarta, Indonesia with Mayumi Haryoto. She worked in a game developer studio, for advertising agencies, in film production houses, and also for records label companies. And one day, she decided to quit her job and focus on her own career and be an illustrator.

We were very impressed by her work and also by her personality when we read her interviews. On Textureculture, when asked: ‘Do you have any tips to keep the mood flowing?‘, she answered: ‘Make sure you always get a good laid. Ha! Honestly, no. I don’t have any tips. I guess, as I get older I just know how to switch my mood easier‘. On TimeoutJakarta, when asked: ‘What made you become who you are today?‘, she replied: ‘First God farted and the Big Bang happened, then the dinosaurs died and evolution took place and then…poof! Here I am’.

You can visit her website to see Haryoto‘s illustrations, but don’t count on the Bio page to learn more about the artist, although the essentials is said: Female. Born in 1983. Live in Jakarta, Indonesia. The work we choose to illustrate this post in called Big Wave (ink brush + digital coloring) and you can buy the print, as well as other prints of Mayumi Haryoto‘s work, on this website.

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