The Sama Gazette

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Bon Appétit!

Food & Drinks, Restaurants. Chefs, Recipes and the Culinary Universe, For Epicureans

Whiskey Stones for Manhattans’ amateurs

  It’s Friday night, it’s late, let’s talk about serious stuff: Whiskey Stones. I don’t drink much (unlike some other members of the Sama Team, I will not give away any names, they will recognize themselves) but I have to admit the idea of the Whiskey Stones sounds great for any Manhattan on the rocks amateurs. Stones, in your Bourbon? Exactly!   Here is how it works (taken from ‘Why This Gets The Delight Seal of ...

Gastronomy Festivals: la crème de la crème

  You remember our post published last month: Julie & Julia: ‘Bon appétit!’, the upcoming comedy-drama film, written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams? If you like French food but not only, if you want to learn about gastronomy, if you want to know what will be the flavors and cuisine of tomorrow, then we just found the ultimate rendezvous for you.   Gastronomy by the Seine is the premier networking and educational ...

Julie & Julia: ‘Bon appétit!’

For our first post in the ‘Bon vivant’ Category, we wanted to honor one of the many epicurean pleasures a ‘bon vivant’ enjoys. Food, that it. Food in a movie. “Julie & Julia” is an upcoming 2009 comedy-drama film, written and directed by Nora Ephron, depicting events in the life of famed chef Julia Child. Based on two bestselling memoirs: Powell’s Julie & Julia and My Life in France, by Julia Child with ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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