The Sama Gazette

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Carte Blanche

Full discretionary power: Op-ed. Sort of. We share Ideas and Thoughts

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da-eYe : Easter Egg Head 2012!

We hope you all had a happy Easter! Here we had a very good one, thanks to da-eYe. Like every year, Max Dana organized an egg hunt and da-eYe was invited, of course. And he really made our day. Here is what Max wrote about it on her blog:  da-eYe is a serious guy. You know him well enough now to know he doesn’t like being laughed at. But he always enjoys making jokes at someone else’s expense. So once again, it was too tempting to tease him, I ...

Troy Davis to be executed tomorrow!

We know Troy Davis story for a long time, and last week we selected his story for our Weekly Friday Digest. For a long time indeed we have been shocked by the treatment made of his case: he was sentenced to death but he might be innocent. Killing a man who could be innocent is something horrible, and this is what is scheduled to happen tomorrow. Max Dana wrote a blog about the situation and we think she found the right words about it. Also, Amnesty ...

Render unto southern Sudanese that which is theirs

A few days ago, the global community celebrated the independence of the Republic of South Sudan. We cover the news and events about Sudan as often as possible, inspired by the commitment by Max Dana into raising awareness about Darfur and other part of Sudan. Max wrote about the celebrated day and she made some very interesting points. You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog and send you comments there.   South Sudan has gained its ...

Sunday Roundup on Sudan and South Kordofan

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. When will international community take action? This is the question asked on Twitter by Susan Morgan, co-founder and the Director of Communications for Investors Against Genocide (I mention them here). ...

Sunday Roundup: Bahrain, Sudan, Physics…

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. The Bahrain Grand Prix will not go ahead. Many concerned people such as #Nicholas Kristof and Kenneth Roth tweeted this week about the upcoming Formula One Grand Prix expected to take place next October ...

Sunday Roundup: Abyei, Ai Weiwei, Artmaking

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. U.N. probes absences amid Sudan clashes. Since Northern Sudanese forces seized Abyei, many rightfully think northern and southern fighting over Abyei could reignite a full blown war in #Sudan. And we ...

Sunday Roundup: Sudan, Gil Scott-Heron…

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. New Visual Evidence of Government of Sudan War Crimes in Abyei. Here we are, again. Al-Bashir is back, alive and kicking. Hard. Again. And unlike in #Darfur, this time we can have proof of what is ...

Sunday Roundup: Abyei, WOZA, Rwanda, DSK

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. Today is International Day for Biological Diversity. The UN General Assembly expressed ‘its deep concern about the continuing loss of the world’s biological diversity, and reaffirmed the ...

Sunday Roundup: Unhappy China, JPMorgan

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. It’s about being ‘happy’ or ‘unhappy’. Support of #Ai Weiwei makes #China “unhappy”. Reported by Yahoo News, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said: ...

Sunday Roundup: Osama Bin Laden, Food crisis

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog.   “ Osama Bin Laden is dead. Al-Qaeda founder and leader died last Sunday in his Pakistan hideout at the hands of Navy SEALs. The mastermind behind the worst-ever terrorist attack on U.S. soil is ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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