Carte Blanche
Full discretionary power: Op-ed. Sort of. We share Ideas and Thoughts
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Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. “ For once (kind of) I will start with some graffiti news. This may not be the biggest news of the week for most of you but it is for any #Graffiti art fan. ‘Revok, one of Los Angeles’ ...
Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. “ Portal 2 is out! This game is awesome and I think I should write an entire blog post about it. Seriously. It’s clever and fun, even CNN says so! ‘The story is fantastic, and the ...
Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. “ Last week I published my first ‘Sunday Roundup’ post, here comes the second one. The selection of news made by the Sama Team for their weekly Friday Digest on the Sama Gazette is ...
Sunday Roundup is not a new rendezvous on the Sama Gazette but it is one on Max Dana’s Blog. Last Sunday she started this new series of posts about what caught her attention during the week. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours. We still have to learn a lot from her, we know that! So we decided to cross post it here. You can also read this post on ...
Anne Hathaway and James Franco were the hosts of this year’s Oscars but unfortunately, their performance was met with mixed critical reception. But honestly, we enjoyed it anyway. This is for what we saw but we also missed a lot of things. Like British street artist Banksy who didn’t show and someone was very disappointed about that: da-eYe. He went to Los Angeles to meet with one of his favorite artist but he wasn’t there… You can ...
What happens when da-eYe meets Wendy Brandes? The WendyB pose happens. da-eYe struck the Wendy Brandes Pose and we love it! Everything started when we read: WendyB Called. She Wants Her Pose Back. After she wrote about *bitches* stealing her trademark crossed-leg pose, she encouraged all the wimmins to go for the full-on pose in Strike My Pose, There’s Nothing to It! VOGUE! We loved the idea, shared it with Max (we wished for a minute she would be ...
We wanted to start this new year with a post that made us both laugh (first paragraph) but also think about important things (the fate of Sudan). On Saturday, Max Dana posted on her blog an article quoting several tweets people sent on Twitteron December 31. The result gives an interesting way to analyze some meaningless and some other meaningful 140 character-long sentences. Many readers already commented on Max’s Blog, especially about the Sudan ...
We don’t have Christmas tree, but a Treedweller by Nathan Jurevicius instead. We were thinking about making a Sama-tree but then Max Danacame with this curious vinyl toy she mentioned more than three years and a half ago in her post: Yes, I’m a vinyl fetishist… vinyl toys actually. We all love what Nathan Jurevicius creates so we decided the 6th limited edition figure from the Scarygirl series would make a perfect ‘Christmas tree’! ...
Last week, Chinese flags were fluttering in the streets of Paris as China’s President Hu Jintao had a recent three-day state visit in France. Media coverage of the visit was important but not enthusiastic despite the 20 billion dollars in trade deals. And NGO’s like Reporters Without Borders have not taken kindly to this visit. Max Dana expressed her opinion and her argumented point of view about this visit on her Blog. She mentions Colonel ...
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has caused considerable damage, and the worst is yet to come: oil is expected to come ashore in the Florida Panhandle in the next few days. The Associated Press reported Thursday that some oil washed ashore at the mouth of the Mississippi River along the Louisiana coast. So far only sheens have reached some coastal waters […] No oil was found on 29 dead turtles that washed onto the Mississippi coast over the past ...
Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available