Yesterday was Star Wars Day and many of you celebrated that day, wearing your favorite Chewbacca costume, playing with homemade lightsaber or binging the entire Saga from beginning to end. When we think Star Wars, we think Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and of course, Princess Leia. She was (and still is) a true hero, a woman with a strong personality.
Leia inspired countless earth-bound little girls everywhere to shoot for the moon (or space station), and that’s what explains Kayleigh Dray in her article published on Stylist:
Because that’s the incredible thing about Leia Organa; she’s not a damsel in distress, or a demure princess that sits back and waits to be rescued. Instead, Carrie Fisher’s character is determined, strong, and capable. She has a razor-sharp tongue, and isn’t afraid to use it (unlike the majority of early Disney princesses, who let their Prince Charmings do all of the talking for them) – and she springs into action the moment the door to her cell slides open.
We couldn’t agree more. Leia is empowering and even if Luke was charming, young girls could identify to their first real hero, it changed a lot of things for many geeky-nerdy girls around the world and it ignited something that will never stop! 🙂
#MayThe4thBeWithYou, Always, Carrie Fisher!