The Sama Gazette

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iVictrola, iPhone Phonograph by Matt Richmond

iVictrola - iPhone Phonograph by Matt Richmond

We were browsing the Internet (not that our daily job exclusively constists in browsing the Internet but we actually spend a lot of time browsing the Internet…), and the iVictrola – iPhone Phonograph caught our attention for many reasons. The first one is because the design looks a lot like one of the Sama sculpture produced last year by Max Dana.

The second reason is because the ‘concept’ is close to one Max is currently working on (yes, this is an inside news you should keep for yourself, Max didn’t announce it officially yet!). And last but not least, Max is into Steampunk / Victorian Era so this post will surely catch her attention when she will read it. Enough reasons to share with you the iVictrola – iPhone Phonograph!

Description taken from Made-craft Etsy Store:

The iVictrola combines cutting edge technology of the early 20th century and the 21st century. Concepted by NYC designer Matt Richmond, he took his love for vintage turntables one step further. To use – place the iPhone in the dock of the walnut base and turn on your favorite tunes. The sound is carried from a hole in the base, amplified by the metal Magnavox horn to fill the room. As seen on Design Within Reach’s DWR Limited.

Six iVictrola have been produced and sold in two days last December, $400 each. You can find more information about Made-craft (Modern Crafted Goodness) and the iVictrola on Madecraft Website.

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