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Fighting Back, One Brothel Raid at a Time

This is the new article by Nicholas D. Kristof. This is the story of forced prostitution, a Cambodian brothel and rescuing a very young girl. On Nick Kristof’s side, the great Somaly Mam, one of the several ‘Inspiring people’ from Inspiration to Action.

Let’s start with some extracts of Kristof’s article:

Somaly dedicates her life to battling forced prostitution, for she herself was sold as a child to a Cambodian brothel. After enduring torture and rapes, Somaly escaped and reinvented herself as an anti-trafficking activist […] Brothel-owners have fought back ferociously against Somaly: They’ve sent death threats, held a gun to her head and shot up her car […] When Somaly refused to back off, she said the traffickers kidnapped her 14-year-old daughter and gang-raped the girl with a video camera rolling. The daughter was recovered in a brothel, and Somaly blames herself […] We quickly found five girls and one young woman, three Cambodians and three Vietnamese. The youngest turned out to be a seventh grader trafficked from Vietnam three months earlier, making her about 12 years old…

This story is both amazing and chocking. Amazing because like Nick Kristof says, Somaly Mam, despite everything, is fearless. She saves the lives of children and women by rescuing them and giving them shelter. Chocking because it is hard to believe what men are able to do only to have sex. They destroy the lives of so many boys and girls, so unfair, disgusting and unacceptable!

This article is a must read. Maybe it will convince you there is a way to fight human trafficking and save lives. Please visit Somaly Mam Foundation and support Somaly Mam on Inspiration to Action!

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