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Half the Sky: La Moitié du Ciel available in France

On March 4, CARE presented its Half the Sky event in nearly 500 movie theatres across the United States, a one-night event inspired by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Nicholas Kristof’s and Sheryl WuDunn’s New York Times bestseller, “Half The Sky” which follows the stories of extraordinary women around the world as they struggle to overcome oppression. Kristof and WuDunn focus on three major problems facing women: sex trafficking, maternal mortality and violence against women.

An event and a subject worth supporting, so we decided to publish a banner on the homepage of the Sama Gazette announcing the event to our readers living in North America, and we also tweeted about it.

Some of our French readers who of course couldn’t attend the one night event in the United States, contacted us about this event and wanted to know if a DVD would be released. We contacted CARE about it and the answer was they ‘were not yet sure about future showings of Half the Sky or a DVD’. But the good news is the book published by Les Arènes, is now available in France. Seven months after it was released in the United States, La Moitié du Ciel was released on April 9, 2010 and you can buy the book on for 20 euros.

It is not the first time we mention the book on the Sama Gazette, Max Dana recommended it on her post: International Women’s Day: Extraordinary Women. We bought the English edition and read it and it’s very likely we will buy the French version. We invite you to do the same since it is a well researched and well written book, and it is definitely a must read for anyone who cares about women’s rights.

The full title of the book tells it all: Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Learn more on Half the Sky Movement and spread the word!

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