If you don’t know The Congo Story Project yet, it is a reporting and public awareness campaign co-produced by the Voice of America and the media platform, Citizen Global, that uses crowdsourcing and co-creation techniques to raise awareness about gender-based violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
About the project:
The goal of the Congo Story Project is to create networks of informed individuals who are actively involved in engaging discussions about what can be done to end rape as a weapon of war in Congo. Through the use of social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, the Congo Story Project makes it easy for people to get connected to the situation in Congo and to learn of the plight of the victims through the use of videos and interviews that create an oral history. Individuals are encouraged to send in their own media spots showcasing their views on violence in Congo and what they believe should be done to help. By bringing the issue of mass rape in Congo to the world’s attention, the Congo Story Project makes the sharing of information faster and more accessible to a wide audience interested in creating social change.
We browsed the Media Page and we listened to a song: Children of Congo Song. “I cry because of war. The children don’t go to school because Congo is a place of war and sorrow. What can I say, only cry, cry, cry. There are problems, problems. There is no food and clothes.” Heartbreaking, the truth is hard to hear and even harder to live for the children in Congo.
We support The Congo Story Project and you can learn more about the campaigns/organizations we support on Inspiration to Action. Note that after the successful launch of ‘En Route to Sudan’ last year, we will now soon launch ‘En Route to Congo’. Stay tuned!