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The Hope for Darfur – Justice in Sudan March

The Hope for Darfur – Justice in Sudan March and Rally, sponsored  by The Darfur Interfaith Network, is scheduled for Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 1:30 pm in Washington. The march will begin at the athletic field on Raoul Wallenberg Place behind the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

About the March (learn more about it):

The Hope For Darfur – Justice in Sudan March objective is to encourage people to stand up, take action, and march to demonstrate to our government that there is continued broad US citizen support for the United States to pursue peace and justice in Sudan. Darfur Interfaith Network (DIN) is determined to raise awareness of the unjust policies of the Government of Sudan and the resultant unsafe and horrible living conditions of Darfuris and for those who continue to suffer in southern Sudan. DIN wants to let the people of Darfur and southern Sudan know they are neither alone nor forgotten. We are demanding that the US government and the international community act with greater focus and determination to help the innocent people of Sudan, who have suffered far too long.

To learn more about the march and rally, how you can volunteer, how you can donate to humanitarian aid and advocacy efforts, and what you can do to help the innocent people of Sudan, please visit Hope for Darfur website.

The peaceful march objective is to encourage people to stand up, take action, and march to demonstrate to our government that there is continued broad US citizen support for the United States to pursue peace and justice in Sudan. If you live in the Washington area, save the date!

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