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World Press Freedom Day 2010

May 3 has been officially designated by the United Nations General Assembly as World Press Freedom Day. This day is celebrated across the globe every May 3rd, representing an opportunity to commemorate the fundamental principles of press freedom and to pay solemn tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty.  Freedom of expression, freedom of information and freedom of the press are essential to democratic participation and for public debate, we have to fight for them.

We frequently mention journalists on the Sama Gazette and we know how hard can be their work in the field. Many of them risk their lives everyday to bring important information to the public and some of them have been intimidated, imprisoned, tortured or even killed to prevent their report from being published.

Recalling Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that the fundamental right of freedom of expression encompasses the freedom to “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” UNESCO’s celebration of World Press Freedom Day 2010 is this year highlighting the importance of freedom of information as an integral part of freedom of expression and its contribution to democratic governance.

You can learn more on these websites we strongly invite you to read:

World Press Freedom Day 2010UNESCO
World Press Freedom Day, official website
World Press Freedom Day on Wikipedia
World Press Freedom Day on Twitter

For French speaking readers, visit Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters without Borders) for the Journée internationale de la liberté de la presse. There is not a day we don’t read about a journalist being imprisoned or shot dead. It’s our duty to support them and you can help through the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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