Yoko Ono is a busy woman, just check the Imagine Peace website. You will find arts, petitions, news, projects… And the Imagine Peace Tower, a memorial to John Lennon in Iceland. But Yoko Ono doesn’t forget Japan, the country where she was born.
She just visited a school in Fukushima:
Yoko traveled to Fukushima today to visit a small elementary school. All 58 students of the school, including 30 children who transferred there after evacuating from their homes, greeted her upon arrival. After delivering a speech to give them hope, she invited them on to the stage one by one to give them a hug, and presented each of them with the ONOCHORD flashlight and the 24-language Imagine Peace badges. The children sang a song in chorus, with Yoko dancing in rhythm. She then instructed them on how to use the ONOCHORD flashlights, and did the “I love you” performance with them, which was very touching. Yoko then wrote a calligraphy piece, “Sekai Kinen” (“Pray for the World”), and explained its meaning to the children.
Full story and pictures on this page. You can also follow Yoko Ono on Twitter.