The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!

Rendez-Vous Sama

News from The World of Sama: Max Dana, The Magkasama Project, Max Von Sama, da-eYe…

The Sama Gazette website will be back on April 1, 2020!

After a (way too) long hiatus, we are very glad to announce The Sama Gazette website will be soon back online! Many readers who were missing their dose of ‘Sama frenchness‘ have been following us on Twitter @SamaGazette for a long time and kept asking when our website would be updated again. You can stop messaging us and sending emails (only on this very specific matter) because the answer is… next month! Starting in April, the Sama ...

The Sama Gazette will relaunch in September!

  Summer time! We take a little break and we will update the website again in September. We hope you will all enjoy your vacations, meanwhile we will be working on great new things that will be ready when you return. The Sama Fraternal Society Newsletter will be sent as usual. Note that we will then take a break until the beginning of 2013. Meanwhile, enjoy! 🙂

Sama Readers, send your testimonial!

As you already know, this year we celebrate the second anniversary of the Sama Gazette. In July we have changed our background on Twitter to match with our new design; now we want to know what you think about your favorite website! If you follow us on Twitter, you may have already sent us your testimonial but if you don’t, we invite you to do so by telling us in a few words (not more than an average sentence) what you like on the Sama Gazette, why ...

Summer break on the Sama Gazette!

  Dear Sama Readers, summer time has come and with it, summer break. But you will not find us lying on the beach and drinking cocktails. No. We will be hard at work on the new redesign of your favorite website for our second anniversary. Starting this week, there won’t be as many updates as there used to be, but we will keep publishing our Weekly Rendezvous: Friday Digest each Friday until mid-August and then we will be back with plenty of news and ...

Easter Egg Hunt: We found a Gary Baseman Egg!

Last year Easter Egg Hunt was all about finding Max Dana’s news drawing, hidden on the home page of the Sama Gazette. But this year it wasn’t about an ‘Easter Sama Hunt’, it ended with something totally new, an ‘Easter Baseman Egg’! Max is a big fan of art toys and she has quite an impressive collection of them. So when she said this year the hunt would be about ‘toys eggs’ we were wondering what this hunt ...

Website redesign for

Summer has ended, we’re back at work. You will soon discover what we were working on lately and meanwhile, you can visit Max Dana’s Official Website. Many of you already know it but there are some interesting new sections, a Twitter feed and news from both the Sama Gazette and Max Dana’s Blog. If you didn’t visit her website yet, it is the opportunity to check it. And if you already visited it, then check it again, you will ...

The Sama Gazette: First Anniversary!

Today is our first anniversary. The Sama Gazette was launched on July 28th, 2009: The Sama Gazette is now online… Time passes so quickly! During this first year, we shared with you what caught our attention, what we liked and the organizations and campaigns we support. Our first supporters are our valued Sama Readers who from the beginning of this great adventure, post comments, send emails and read us everyday. Many of them even actively support ...

Sama Gazette Goodies: wallpapers, buttons, icons…

We receive emails on a regular basis asking us if there are wallpapers of the Sama Gazette or buttons/icons to link to the site. Until today, the answer was ‘Yes, there will be soon!’. As of now, the answer is: ‘Yes, there is plenty!’. The whole package is available directly on this page or from the top right sidebar, you only have to click on the black rectangular button to access the ‘Sama Goodies’ page. We made ...

Easter Sama Hunt: find Max Dana’s new drawing!

Whether you are into religious celebrations or not, Easter is fun (eating chocolate -milk, dark, semisweet, bittersweet, unsweetened…). Easter egg Sama hunt even more. So we decided to hide an Easter Sama on the Sama Gazette. If you find it, you will have a glimpse at a never-before-seen drawing by Max Dana, photographed from her very own Moleskine she mentioned on her blog: My Moleskine, Cary Grant, some Asti Spumante and a Goldorus. Dear Sama ...

The Sama Gazette Brand New Design!

Here it is! We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website for The Sama Gazette. The new website is now online and we hope you like it. With the new design, comes a new navigation but also new features and sections we will let you discover by checking the Gazette. With this substantial upgrade and redesign, we hope the Sama Gazette will still grow and be more and more visited as it is every month since its initial launch in July ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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