The Sama Gazette

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Tag: France

Friday Digest: Europe, Joe Frazier, Bahrain…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

France bars UK gallery from leaving with ‘stolen’ art

This news was barely mentioned in France but we read it on the website of the BBC: France has laid claim to a 17th Century painting currently being displayed by a London gallery at an art fair in Paris. We were very intrigued by this story and we wanted to read more about it… From the article on BBC website: The Carrying of the Cross by the French master Nicolas Tournier was bought last year for 400,000 euros ($550,000) by the Weiss Gallery of ...

Charlie Hebdo burned out by petrol bomb attack

Earlier this morning, the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by fire, by a petrol bomb attack causing extensive damage. Many strong reactions followed the attack, from French authorities but also from the French press claiming the bombing of the Charlie Hebdo offices should make everyone stand up for freedom of expression. French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said: ‘Freedom of expression is an inalienable ...

An American immigrant in France, deported?

This week a story caught our attention: the story of an American immigrant in France who has been in the country for six years, rent an apartment in central Paris, have always worked and paid her taxes until she was sent a deportation letter, an « obligation to leave French territory within one month »… Selected sentences from the English version of the article posted on French News website Rue89: After graduating, I was offered a position in ...

Friday Digest: Gilad Shalit, Gaddafi, F. Hollande

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

Imany, a beautiful voice in a beautiful body

Ten days ago, Max Dana posted about Imany, a successful folk/soul singer born in France. Since then, we have been listening to her music and we love her ! That’s why we decided to cross post Max’s blog so you can read (if you didn’t already) what Max thinks of Imany, and learn more about the amazingly talented singer…   When I first saw Imany, I thought: ‘What a beautiful woman!‘. Then when I first heard her sing, ...

François Hollande to challenge Nicolas Sarkozy

About 2.2 million of 2.7 million French primary voters have chosen François Hollande to lead the opposition Socialist Party (PS) against conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy in the 2012 presidential election. The former PS General Secretary is often described as affable and witty, but he has always been  a low key politician, he’s virtually unknown outside France and has never held a position in government. The former Socialist presidential ...

Friday Digest: Occupy Melbourne, Steve Wozniak

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

Friday Digest: Eurozone, 9/11, Troy Davis, China

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

DJ Mehdi dead at 34 after fall from roof

Mehdi Favéris-Essadi also known as DJ Mehdi, was 34 years old. He died from fatal injuries on Tuesday after roof of his Paris home collapsed. He was a French-Tunisian Hip-hop/electro producer and DJ, and much appreciated by electro fans, and by us. says about him: DJ Mehdi gained prominence in the French electro and house scene in the late 90s as a DJ for Different Teep, and recently became a staple of Ed Banger Records. He has worked with ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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