The Sama Gazette

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Tag: United Nations

Sunday Roundup: Abyei, WOZA, Rwanda, DSK

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. Today is International Day for Biological Diversity. The UN General Assembly expressed ‘its deep concern about the continuing loss of the world’s biological diversity, and reaffirmed the ...

Friday Digest: Rwanda, Ai Weiwei, Sudan…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

Sunday Roundup: Free Revok, Chernobyl, SETI…

Sunday Roundup is a rendezvous on Max Dana’s Blog. It sounds like our weekly Friday Digest which Max said it inspired her but we have to admit her news roundup is far more detailed than ours! You can also read this post on Max Dana’s Blog. “ For once (kind of) I will start with some graffiti news. This may not be the biggest news of the week for most of you but it is for any #Graffiti art fan. ‘Revok, one of Los Angeles’ ...

Friday Digest: Qaddafi, Oscars, John Galliano, TED, iPad…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. ...

Friday Digest: Haiti, Wikileaks, Rosa Parks, Ivory Coast…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. The ...

World Peace Day and the Millennium Development Goals

Today is World Peace Day. According to Wikipedia, in 1981 the United Nations General Assembly declared, in a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica, the third Tuesday of September (the opening day of regular sessions of the General Assembly) as the International Day of Peace devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace. Tuesday, September 21, 1982, was the first occurrence of the International Day of Peace. We are not ...

Friday Digest: Chabrol, Roma, Koran, Ocean, Rwanda…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. The ...

Friday Digest: Mad Men, Congo, Google, Mosque…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. The ...

Friday Digest: Iran, Sudan, Roma, 3D, Google…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. The ...

World Humanitarian Day to Celebrate Aid Workers

The second World Humanitarian Day takes place this year today, 19 August 2010, to honor and celebrate the work of humanitarian workers. The 19 of August has been chosen by the United Nations to commemorate the work of humanitarian workers as it marks the day when 22 employees of the UN, including the UN Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello, were killed in a bomb attack in 2003 in Baghdad. About World Humanitarian Day (read more here): This year ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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