The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!

Twitter Ba(a)zar

A Selection of Interesting, Funny and even Weird Tweets to Brighten Up Your Day

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @PixelProject

Last week, we published a special post on the occasion of Mother’s Day but our weekly Twitter Sunday rendezvous is coming back today with a selection of our Favorites Tweets @PixelProject. Pixel Project bio on Twitter is the following: ‘Raising global awareness & US$1 mil for the VAW cause in a global recession, 21st century style. It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.’ The global project was launched in Januray ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @tomwaits

For this new Twitter Sunday, we wanted to share with you our Favorites Tweets from an American singer some venerate as a God (yes, some people do, we have seen them), Mister Tom Waits. His music is often defined as experimental, but also rock and jazz. His personality is what makes his music and almost everything he does very different from what we are used to see and hear. And that is why we like him so much. Here are our Favorites Tweets @tomwaits! ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @stephenfry

Last week, our Twitter Sunday was dedicated to the Save Darfur Coalition (follow the organization @SaveDarfur). Today’s Twitter Sunday is on a lighter note: we chose to share with you our Favorites Tweets @stephenfry. Stephen Fry is a British actor, writer, journalist, comedian, television presenter and film director, and his Twitter bio describes him as British Actor, Writer, Lord of Dance, Prince of Swimwear & Blogger. Stephen Fry is a great ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @SaveDarfur

As you may already know, Sudan’s first multi-party elections in 24 years are taking place this month. But everything is not going right, as you can read the different reports concerning the elections on many news websites (read our previous Friday Digests to learn more). So today we want to catch your attention about this situation and share with you the recent tweets published on the Save Darfur Coalition twitter account @SaveDarfur. ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @themonsterist

We follow many artists on Twitter. Artists we of course appreciate but sometimes their tweets are not as interesting as their work (and no, we won’t give names!). Pete Fowler‘s tweets @themonsterist prove the contrary. The artist lives in Monsterism Island and here is his Twitter Bio: ‘drawer, illustratorer, scrabble loser, sound explorer and yacht rock lover. Did I mention owls?’. Because of the Mini Boosh toy figures, TRWG!, the ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @Surfrider

  We are very concerned by environmental issues at the Sama Gazette. Everyday, each member of the Sama Team tries to reduce his/her impact on the environment. If climate change is almost everyday on the front news, we often forget the oceans. So today we want to share with you our Favorites Tweets from the Surfrider Foundation, ‘dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the worlds oceans, waves and beaches’. About Surfrider ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @ebertchicago

If you are a movie fan, then you know  the long-running syndicated film-review show ‘At the movies’. Even some of us, living in France, we at least heard  the name of the movie review program once, even though we couldn’t watch it on television over here (hopefully, we have Youtube!). The show has been cancelled this week so we decided it was time to follow Roger Ebert on Twitter @ebertchicago, a ‘Film critic since time ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @sxsw

 SXSWeek 2010: March 12-21. The South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals in Austin, Texas, have started and offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. CNN says SXSW is ‘home to ‘nerd’ networking’ and Dennis Crowley, a co-founder of Foursquare says ‘It’s spring break for nerds’;  we see it as an event where everything can be shared, mixed up and ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @CARE

Last Sunday, we shared with you our Favorites Tweets @womenforwomenUK and @WomenforWomen. Today we decided to share our Favorites Tweets from another organization: CARE. Tomorrow is International Women’s Day and we think it’s important to support organizations helping women like CARE who is doing a amazing work empowering women and supporting events around the world. As you may have noticed, we put online a new section on the Sama Gazette ...

Twitter Sunday: Fav. Tweets @womenforwomenUK

Our Twitter Sunday of today is about Women for Women International. The organization is helping women, and changes their fate: ‘From Victim to Survivor… to Active Citizen’. International Women’s Day is on March 8 and this year we mark the 100 year anniversary of International Women’s Day. On this occasion, Women for Women International will celebrate the strengths and achievements of women by taking part in Women for Women ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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