The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!

Twitter Ba(a)zar

A Selection of Interesting, Funny and even Weird Tweets to Brighten Up Your Day

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @oxfamamerica

    Twitter Sunday is back! Last Sunday was Valentine’s Dayso we replaced our weekly Twitter Sunday with a special news: Valentine’s Day: (RED)Kisses & products, eCards… Back to normal with today our Favorites Tweets @oxfamamerica. We follow and support Oxfam‘s work for a long time now, and Max Dana mentioned them in several of her posts on her blog (‘Darfur: a World Wide Role Playing Game‘ in 2008, and ‘Darfur, ...

Twitter Sunday: Fav. Tweets @PRINCE_OFFICIAL

  For this new Twitter Sunday rendezvous, we will share with you the tweets from a great singer. His name is Prince Rogers Nelson, a.k.a Prince. We were very happy to follow him when he started to tweet a few days ago but the pleasure didn’t last very long… Instead of interesting tweets about his work or even his daily life, we got hundreds of tweets and retweets polluting our Twitter page,  messing with all the others tweets we were ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @UNICEF

  Dear Sama-Readers, we are pleased to present our Twitter Sunday Rendezvous! Today we decided to share with you our Favorites Tweets @UNICEF. The organization has been very active to help people in Haiti after the earthquake (Read our post about Haiti:Haiti: compassion, communication, occupation… Education? and Haiti: International aid mobilization on the way). But UNICEF also provides support in many countries: Senegal, Somalia, West Bengal, Syria, ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @tomhanks

  Welcome to this new Twitter Sunday on the Sama Gazette. We are very happy to share with you our Favorites Tweets @tomhanks.We’ve been following him for awhile but unfortunately, his Twitter account was not updated until this January. Since then, we read his tweets and we appreciate he eventually decided to be more active on Twitter.   Tom Hanks is on our Top list of favorites actors, and if you look at Max Dana’s Biography page on her ...

Twitter Sunday: F. Tweets @KerenAnnMusic

Last week we missed our Twitter Sunday Rendezvous, please apologize. So we are back today with our Favorites Tweets @KerenAnnMusic. Keren Ann is a multi talented artist: singer, songwriter and composer. She worked on TV Synchronisations for Grey’s Anatomy, Six Feet Under. She also composed sound design for the European TV Channel ARTE and has written for French singer Henri Salvador, Guy Chambers and most recently for Emmanuelle Seigner (Roman ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @NickKristof

  First Twitter Sunday of 2010 and we want to begin with our Favorites Tweets from a respected journalist: Nicholas Kristof . According to his bio on Twitter, he’s a New York Times columnist and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner. But he’s also a great journalist that uses interactive tools and social media  (Twitter, Facebook) to build a community and engage the audience.   We at the Sama Team, had no idea who was Nicholas Kristof ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets in 2009

  Every Sunday, it’s Twitter Sunday on the Sama Gazette. A weekly rendezvous where we share with you our Favorites Tweets from the people/organizations/companies we follow on Twitter. Today is the last Sunday of the year, so we decided to list all our Twitter Sunday posts since we started the rendezvous.   A good way to know more about our ‘Friends’ on Twitter, discover their humor, learn more about their commitment…   Twitter ...

Twitter Sunday: Fav. Tweets @WendyBrandes

  Last October, we published an article: Onyx Skull Ring by Wendy Brandes. We really liked the Onyx Skull Ring created by the designer and that’s why we shared it with you. Since then, we have been following Wendy Brandes on Twitter and we don’t regret it: she’s a great designer but she also has a brilliant sense of humor. So it comes as no surprise our Twitter Sunday of today is about our Favorites Tweets @WendyBrandes!   ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @TheElders

  This week we commemorated the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we posted an article about the Every Human Has Rights Campaign. You were many to send comments about Human Rights, the campain… So for this new Twitter Sunday rendezvous, we decided to share with you our favorites tweets from The Elders. If you don’t know yet who are The Elders: ‘The Elders are an independent group of eminent global ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets @Karl_Lagerfeld

  It’s time for Twitter Sunday on the Sama Gazette! Among the people we are following on Twitter, there is one we appreciate in real life for his caustic humor. He’s a fashion genius and he does nothing to be likable, on the contrary, and that’s maybe why we like him so much… Weird, huh? This man is Karl Lagerfeld.   To be honest, we don’t know if it’s the real Karl Lagerfeld tweeting or a fan (it’s not a ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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